Saturday, March 25

A Muggy Not Hot Not Cool Morning Coffee Muses

A Muggy Not Hot Not Cool Morning Coffee Muses

The rains blew past last night without dropping any on us. All we got was a fireworks show. Oh, and a month’s worth of wind in one day. It’s becoming a pattern… rains running across the state heading straight for us only to lift north as they get here… passing close enough to hear and see.

There was a cold front associated with the line of showers. Last night when I went to bed it was just to the west of Houston. Now it’s repositioned and it’s located just to the north of Houston… I guess we won’t be seeing it’s benefits any time soon.

Now the sun is out and it’s raining… lightly and with big drops… okay, done.

Last evening we had a small flock of cedar waxwings roosting in the pecan tree in front of the house… one sign of spring I look forward to. They’ll only be around a few weeks before heading north so every sighting is noted.