Monday, March 20

Damp And Not So Hot Morning Coffee Muses

Damp And Not So Hot Morning Coffee Muses

Dew glistens everywhere this morning. The morning birdsong is spreading out as territories get claimed and borders set.

I need to have a discussion with a spider… What yesterday was just a guy line running down from the post supporting my weather station has now become a web hanging from the wind direction spinner. I don’t think it’ll be too accurate until I have my discussion… speaking of spiders, webs are showing up everywhere, especially in the dew on the grass. It brings back memories of walks thru the woods when you always carried a longish stick to brush the spider webs out of the trail ahead of you… you dared not to walk without the spider stick.

As much as I would like to sit here and watch and listen, other tasks call my name… And a coffee pot needs reloading…