Thursday, March 9

Hazy, Damp, Not Cool, Not Hot, Morning Coffee Muses

Hazy, Damp, Not Cool, Not Hot, Morning Coffee Muses

Yesterday afternoon a foggy, misty, not really rain moved in. Today’s feel is much the same… The air is heavy with moisture, the tops of the trees are hazy through a lite lifting fog.

There’s a bluebird hunting insects in the grass as blue jays squawk overhead. A mockingbird is investigating the wisteria as yellow-rumps flitter about in the top of the pines. A squirrel scampers warily about from tree to tree. While around it all the cardinals sing their morning song…

I need to mow, but, there’s water standing all over in low spots, and, where it isn’t standing the ground just squishes. If it wasn’t so green this would be the mud season.

I have a honey bee Investigating all around me today. Usually it’s solitary wasps that pester you by flying all around. It’s the bees and the wasps that drive my wife crazy. She is just sure they are trying to attack her.

Coffee’s running low… gotta go see what trouble I can get into today.