Thursday, February 23

Almost Perfect Southeast Texas Morning Coffee Muses

Almost Perfect Southeast Texas Morning Coffee Muses.

It’s cool enough under the ceiling fans. It’s early enough that the sun’s warmth isn’t yet oppressive, though the eighties are on tap for later in the day. The air is full with the smells of freshly mowed grass.

I fired up the Deere for the first time in over four months yesterday. I wasn’t planning to mow the entire yard, and I didn’t. But, it wasn’t the lack of motivation that stopped me, it was the lack of gasoline. The can was mostly full, the tank was mostly empty, the yard is mostly mowed… less than a hundred square feet left when the tank sucked air. A trip to the gas station today will finish the job.

For the first time in years I didn’t mow the half moon out of the neighbors yard. I figure it’s time to get used to seeing the actual property line once more since I can no longer pretend the view is all mine.

The first wisteria blooms opened yesterday. I didn’t spot them until I was sitting outside cooling down before my shower and the setting sun hit just the purple blossoms while the rest of the plant was in shadow. I was wondering when I would see purple out there…

It’s way too early to see the spring migration thru here, but it already feels late. The mulberry thicket at the edge of the neighbor’s woods have barely broken leaf bud. They are a long time away from fruit ripening… And that’s what times the migration thru this area. One noticeable absence this winter has been our Carolina wrens. The jaunty little bird with the extremely loud song.

Gary Boyd