Tuesday, February 14

Thunderously Stormy Valentines Morning Coffee Muses

Thunderously Stormy Valentines Morning Coffee Muses.

The day has darkened minute by minute.

Distant rumbling of meteorological battles coming closer.

Lightning’s flash cuts the newly darkened face of turbulent skies.

Raindrops patter drowns out the sound of everything away.

Angry red and orange covers radars screen…

Rushing slowly across the glass while clouds skud quickly up above.

Day into loud and stormy night… all in but minutes gone and come.

Cold mists swirling under porches roof, no shelter from what blows about.

Warnings flying thru the either, beware the cyclonic winds wandering about.

It seems the ancient gods have come out to play, man beware.

The heavenly battlefield above our heads turns dangerously angry on this day.