When we went to bed last night the prognosticators were telling us the then still to be named Bill would be ashore when we awoke… Maybe. All morning the talking heads on the TV have been telling us Bill would be ashore in the next 45 minutes or so… For the last 4 or 5 hours… Bill is still off shore…
Click on the image to go see the worlds winds in 3d… That is where the image came from.
The rains have yet to come ashore as predicted. So we wait…
I do believe he’s onshore now. We’re getting occasional feeder bands. It will pour straight down for five minutes, and then almost clear up. It’s actually tidal rise that seems to be at play more than rainfall. The water in the marina seems to be up about a foot and a half, or maybe two by now. But there’s not a lick of wind. We’ll see if it picks up later. I think it came ashore a little farther down the coast than had been predicted — still the general area of Matagorda, but even 30-40 miles can make a difference here.
Everyone is reporting that Bill has crossed onto land. It’s almost funny how the rains are coming ashore… You are getting much more rain than we are and we are quite a bit closer to the “action”. And everyone is saying it was the timing of the high tide and the smallish storm surge which was causing what little bit of flooding there was.
I am more worried about what may happen later with the rains. My daughter has to go to work from 2-10 in Southshore Harbour. And my wife is in the Med Center and will be coming home about 4…