June 7 Muse – 2015

Sunday morning coffee… the day is as still as any I’ve seen. Yesterday ended this way, and it was miserable out on the back porch… even with the ceiling fans working overtime. Watching the wind cups on the weather station sitting perfectly still is just depressing… and not very common this close to the Gulf.

At least the birds seem happy. There is a mockingbird doing his song and dance from the top of a dead tree up the road. Have you ever watched a mockingbird express his joy with the world? They jump up and do little loops while the sing before landing right back where they started. The first time I ever noticed this behaviour in a mockingbird was as a youngster at my grandparent’s house in Orchard. I watched then as a mockingbird did his dance on top OV the TV antenna. After that I began to notice mockingbirds acting this way often. I even put a tall pipe in the ground here to give them a stage to use. Today’s bird is being accompanied by a multitude of cardinals all around me with an occasional percussion being supplied by a woodpecker down by the bayou.

Oh happy times, I see leaves beginning to stir… I should have kept my mouth shut, after s.p.I.n.n.I.n.g oh so slowly about a dozen times the wind cups are stalled again. If this keeps up I’ll have to abandon my rocker and head inside for my next cup…

June 7 Backyard


Originally Posted to Facebook

Here’s a video of the birdsongs from when I first walked out this morning… You will notice toward the end I zoomed in on the weather station and nothing was stirring.

Oh, and another lesson learned about the tablet… At the beginning of recording you have to speak to get the sound levels something to relate too or they are set way to low. Then it’s edit in YouTube before posting to trim out the sound of you testing…testing…testing…


Gary Boyd