Thursday morning coffee…It’s another cool morning here on the back porch. The humidity is back… which is paradoxical because it not only makes the afternoons feel hotter, it also makes these cool mornings feel cooler… but, then again… it could just be the ceiling fans.
This morning started off with the swifts that nest under all of the bridges over the bayou out that runs behind the house putting on an air show. It brought to mind the show the grandkids and I had on Sunday afternoon from this very same porch… Some of the planes out of the air museum in Galveston were practicing flying in formation in the skies behind the house… the kids particularly loved the show.
Another bird that visits every morning is the eastern bluebird. Until about five years ago, I had never seen but one in my half century of wondering this earth. But in the last few years I couldn’t even guess how many I’ve seen. And, every time I see or hear one I can’t help but smile. I don’t know if it’s a reaction to the bird or to the phrase “bluebird of happiness”, but either way I like the fact that I now have bluebird in my life…
The coffee mug is running low…
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