A funny thing happened on the (almost) eighth anniversary of this site/blog… I managed to accidently delete my database.
So basically everything I had posted here… kind of like, went away.

And since I had been ignoring this place anyway… And all of the links in my old posts were dying slow deaths as the internets moved on and things moved behind pay walls… I decided not to dig out an old backup, and just start fresh.
So, if you can’t find something that was once here… I apologize. But those eight year old muses have come and gone and the world is as fresh as the coffee in my cup.
Give me a few days to shake out the newness and I’ll be back in fine form, pontificating with a caffeine clouded mind…
Update: May 29, 2015
Well after scouring three hard drives, I tracked down a March 2013 export file of this site. So as of now, everything is back up till that date… Over the coming weeks I’ll see what I can scrape out of the WayBack Machine and repopulate some of the missing posts. Sadly, not all will make it.