I just saw the Space Shuttle Endeavour pass over my house on it’s way toward Houston. I didn’t even know it was going to be passing through the area. Wish I would have had my camera out as it passed by…There won’t be another chance to see one in the air….

Oh, I wish I’d tweeted about it beforehand. I was even going to send you an email and then assumed you’d know. I guess living right here across from NASA, there’s more chatter. I saw it yesterday when it came in, and got a couple of just ok pics, but there’s a really good one online that was taken in Austin this a.m. when it passed by the Capitol.
The best was this morning, though. I heard the f18s just at 7 and went out to look. That baby came right over my place at about crop duster altitude. It was utterly amazing. They came from Ellington, and made a passage across JSC and the lake – I didn’t even try for a pic this morning. I just enjoyed it.
Even being surprised I was floored…They all passed right over my house coming in from the south. It was all of the jets that I heard and caused me to look out the window. And there it was floating above the trees that line the driveway. I couldn’t see it well through the trees, but have seen the shuttle fly piggy back before, I knew what it was just from the way it floated. By the time I got out on the porch it was passing through a clearing in the trees across the road on it’s way back your direction.
It took me back to a landing I watched from the field at Ellington way back when…Somewhere I have slides…