It’s All About How It Looks

This week the news coming in from most of the country…At least the areas I follow…Have been about cold temperatures and snow. Around here the temps have been cold (a least for this area) and the skies have been really very dreary…Overcast, gray, dead of winter day followed by another and another.

Down here in Texas most winter days might start out in the 30’s but they quickly climb into the 50’s and or the 60’s. Yesterday we couldn’t break 44° even on the protected south side of the house. Grandson #2 is really beginning to feel like a shut-in. With the overcast and the wind, even coated up it’s too cold to take him out to play.

And don’t start me on snow…It’s been way too long since we saw anything in the way of a ground covering snow in our area.

I am going to have to take myself out into the field behind our house shortly to meet up with some guys coming to do a soil test in the next hour. I am not looking forward to the cold…At least the wind seems to have left off for now.