Goodness is the only investment which never fails.
– Henry David Thoreau
The above quote caught my eye in my morning email. I think it pretty well says it all as a way of living your life. It is also a way to live a life rich in ways that counting money can never match.
The title of this post relates to my life for the past half a year…It seems I have been waiting for something to happen. Something to get me moving again.
Hell, even the weather around here seems to be stuck…Here it is almost Thanksgiving and the temperatures are hitting the 80’s each day this week. Now don’t get me wrong…If that was the high in August, I would be dancing for joy. But, it’s almost December and I want some cool weather.
I am waiting for an appliance repair man this morning. It seems that while we were out of town our dishwasher decided to stop working. So sometime between now and noon today GE is supposed to be by and fix it…So, it’s another version of stuck in neutral…waiting…waiting…