Today it Feels Like Spring

Sitting out on the porch with my morning coffee was a change of pace today. All of the rain we have been having makes it look and feel like spring not fall.

It must have already rained a bit this morning because the trees are still dripping. The sun coming out from behind the clouds to the east has cast a magical look to the world. Water drops hanging from every leaf sparkle like jewels sending flashes of light with every rustle of a breeze.

Even the avian community seems to notice the feel of the day. The blue jays are talking and dancing in the ends of the branches. I heard the liquid song of the mockingbird for the first time in months this morning. Even the redbirds are fluttering and playing on the ground beneath one of our oaks. In the distance there are crows cawing their greeting to the day. There was even a cackle from a woodpecker as it flew from oak to oak looking for breakfast.

And still the antics of the hummingbirds kept me amused as I finished my first cup of joe…

I hope your morning was as nice.

One thought on “Today it Feels Like Spring

  1. A Treehugger report claims that solar panels might not be as environmentally-pleasant as was initially thought given the potential for waste generated from the life-cycle of a photo voltaic panel. The article discusses the early improvement of a recycling plan as a plausible solution.

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