Another Wet Rainy Week

After finally seeing a lessening of the attacks by the marauding blood suckers the weather has decided to return to the unstable side of the summer pattern.

Thunderstorms crossing the landscape like huge sailing ships of old. At times you might think you were watching Titanic battles playing out in the sky. Cannonades and spears of lighting flashing from one massive “vessel” to the next. The rumble of thunder as of distant fighting, keeps the doors and windows of this old house chattering among themselves.

By the close of the day, the sky is blackened by the spreading overcast as if the whole world has been set afire. The sun has hidden it’s very face in fear of the battles above the Earth.

Sadly, the leaders of the religion of weather prognosticators are foretelling of changes in the patterns by this Saturn’s Day. Battles ending and a scorched earth campaign ahead. The Sun will be seeking it’s revenge as it raises the moisture from the very dirt of our feet and prepares it as ammunition for another battle.

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One thought on “Another Wet Rainy Week

  1. Your thunderstorm description is fantastic.

    Re NC, I’d like to join you and Marie at Mast General Store in the mountains!

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