George Will Just Doesn’t Get It…Does He?

Mr. Will, from his pontificating height, has this to say about Sarah Palin in his latest column…

She is what she is, and what she is merits no disdain. She is feisty and public-spirited, and millions of people vibrate like tuning forks to her rhetoric. When she was suddenly forced to take a walk on the highest wire in America’s political circus, she showed grit.

She also showed that grit is no substitute for seasoning. She has been subjected to such irrational vituperation — loathing largely born of snobbery — that she can be forgiven for seeking the balm of adulation from friendly audiences.

America, its luck exhausted, at last has a president from the academic culture, that grating blend of knowingness and unrealism.

So, as Mr. Will sees it, with his “grating blend of personal knowingness and unrealism”, my disdain…No, my non vibratory lack of resonance with her rhetorical self-righteousness, is caused not by the merits of her arguments, but by my own “irrational vituperation”. Damn…If that ain’t just like the kettle calling the pot black I just don’t know what is!

And really George, I can call you George can’t I…Isn’t loathing born of snobbery already pretty much irrational without the addition of the qualifier?

What I found amusing and informative about this column though was how Mr. Will…George, called into question the good sense of the elected representatives of Arizona. I mean, I would never have made the connection, without George’s help. Both Goldwater and McClain chose running mates of comparable experience. Do you remember Bill Miller? Now I know, growing up in pre-Republican Texas, Lyndon Johnson was our guy and I remember little of that race…I was all of  10, after all. But Bill Miller…Sarah Palin. Thanks, George, for pointing out the similarities.

And just for the record…Would you really want the Mayor of Austin, Texas to be elected Vice-President? Austin has the equivalent population as the state of Alaska. The Mayor of Austin probably has a tighter budget…No oil revenues inflating the tax base. Do you know who the Mayor of Austin is? Not you guys from UT, I’m asking the folks from Indiana…Michigan…Wyoming? Do you care? I thought not…

via George F. Will – Sarah Palin and the mutual loathing society –