Here’s how.
- Login as “Admin” user.
- Pull down the “Users” menu in administration page.
- Click on “Add New”
- Add a new user, set your permissions to “Administrator”
- Save the changes, and log out.
- Log back in as the new user.
- Go to “Users > Authors & Users”
- Select “Admin” user.
- Use the pulldown menu for Bulk Actions to select “Delete.”
- Click on “Apply”
- You will be taken to a page that allows you to either delete all of that users posts, comments, etc, or assign them to another user. In this case, you want to assign all your existing posts from the “Admin” user to your new user, which you can do by selecting that choice, then selecting the appropriate user.
- Press “Confirm Deletion” and you’re done.
via WordPress Simple Security — Replace the “admin” account | Website In A Weekend.
In all of the articles I’ve seen on the web about upgrading your WordPress security I don’t think I’ve seen step 5 and 6 spelled out before…Damn, I have tried to make the changes on almost every reading and been stymied. Now I know why. It should have been obvious…I don’t know why it wasn’t. Thanks to Dr. WordPress I’ve now managed to make my blogs “more” secure. The only additional step I would add is to:
13. Edit your new profile so it has the same nickname and public name as your old one.
Just what I needed to start the week feeling better about myself. And talk about a round about path to finding this info…ProBlogger to Cleavage to Website In A Weekend. And now my rss subscription list gets a little longer…
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Gary, your banner photos are tearing my heart out. I have a deep and abiding love for the eastern highlands and plateaus. I don’t believe any number of years in San Fran will erase it.
In any case, these kinds of articles detailing stepwise procedures are grueling to write. Actually, the writing isn’t so hard… it’s the testing to ensure correctness.
Glad you found it useful.
Thanks Dave…You have no idea how many time I tried to walk through those steps from other site’s hints…Like I said it makes a world of sense once you think about it, but until it snaps into place it just don’t work…
Now you’re showing a picture of Enchanted Rock. Man, that hurts.
So it’s not just the eastern highlands you love?
I REALLY enjoyed your post and blog! It took me a little bit to come across your site…but I bookmarked it. Would you mind if I placed a link back to your site? I have a Political Humor site of my own at White Rabbit Cult. Well Wishes!
Hey I just wanted to let you know, I really like the writing on your website. But I am using Flock on a machine running version 9.04 of Ubuntu and the look and feel aren’t quite kosh er. Not a serious deal, I can still essentially read the articles and look for for information, but just wanted to inform you about that. The navigation bar is kind of difficult to use with the config I’m running. Keep up the great work!