It’s Been A Few Days Since I Posted, And…

…we’ve been having some fine October weather here in the middle of November.

I love this season, when we get little junior-grade northers trying to push through, followed by three or four days of Chamber of Commerce weather — no wind, soft light, high blue skies and temperatures we dreamed about back in August.

By the time you read this sentence it may be storming where you are, but here at Winedale we’re having weather that makes everybody go around grinning.

Leon Hale had a better explanation of what has kept me from having anything to say. Blame it on the weather…Beautiful, comfortable, non-conditioned weather.

Sunshine and cool breezes…Screen doors wide every morning letting the house breath fresh air for a while. Long minutes standing at the screen, contemplating the slow changes in color as fall works its way through the trees in the woods behind the house.

From my place at the table this past week I’ve had a small framed view of a piece, a single limb of the redbud tree in the front yard. Starting last weekend it seemed to go all yellow at once. All week the light would play on the leaves, highlighting one and then another against the green of the oaks across the road.  Today that same tree stands half bare, a skirt yellow  in the green grass at its base.

The weather prognosticators are promising more of the same for next week…So should I go missing, take this as a sign of more great weather causing more contemplation…

via Seeing what happens when we’re not here | Leon Hale | – Houston Chronicle.