Verlyn Klinkenborg’s “Readers’ Muse” for the End of Summer

A good book is a good book whatever the weather or temperature. But summer brings with it the illusion of more free time, and just about now — when the demise of August makes free time seem even more illusory — I can’t help looking around for the book I want to close this summer with. The practical approach would be to go to the library or the bookstore and look through the shelves of new publications or perhaps return to an old favorite. But what I really want is a book that distills what I want in a book at this moment, and I don’t know which one that is.

Verlyn Klinkenborg has a thought or two on what he expects from a good summer read. As I mentioned recently, the very nature of my reading shelf has changed in the past year or two. I personally haven’t had anything like a summer read in years. Reading on the beach has never been something I could manage.

But, that being said, I know exactly what he is talking about. That one book out of many that can suck you into the world that exists in the mind of an author able enough to move that world onto the pages. That book that causes you to ignore the clock, ignore the burning, scratchy eyes and keeps you reading all night long and into the morning…The book you only put down when you cannot stay awake one minute longer…The book you pick up the minute you wake up the next day. Yes, I have come across a book or two over the years that fits the bill as a good summer closer…But…It’s been a while…

Happy hunting Mr. Klinkenborg…At the very least, you’ll end up with a “good” book.

via Editorial Notebook – Choosing Summer’s Last Big Read –