A Thought To Change Direction…Or Perspective

Philosopher Buckminster Fuller said that although we are all born geniuses, the process of living tends to de-genius us. That’s the bad news. The good news is that 2009 is one of the best years ever for you to re-genius yourself, and the month of June is among the best times in 2009. So how should you go about the glorious task of tapping in to the totality of your original brilliance? Here’s one tip. Do what Einstein said: “All I want to do is learn the way God thinks. All the rest is details.”

via Free Will Astrology : Aquarius Horoscope.

The weekly horoscope from Rob Brezsny is always welcome…Do I believe in astrology? Probably not. But Rob has an insight into life that always makes me look at things from a right angle from my normal perspective. I some times think I’m standing on my head and looking over my shoulder…

It has always seemed to me that life consistanly offers us chances to expand the genius that is our story but society and self-imposed responceabilities tend to keep us on the safe and socially approved path…Never climbing the heights on either side, just walking the easy path down the middle…It seems that it may be time to look up from the path at my feet and see what’s on the heights to the side…