This morning as the sun comes up, the day starts out foggy. The woods behind the house are hazy through the gray, cloaking moisture. The morning is still, but nowhere near quite. Birds, lots of birds are singing their welcome to the mornings light.
The back doors are wide, letting in the morning cool before the day heats up and I close them until the eve. A daily ritual here and now…Doors open in the early morning letting the house breath in the cool air. Closing the house as the day heats up…Conserving the cool through the noontime hour when the AC will start to kick in as the world heats up into the 80’s again.
Even the birds are waiting… watching… listening
Just now I had a visitor at the screen door. A mockingbird flew down to investigate I know not what and sat a spell singing a low song on the steps…Even the birds are waiting…watching…listening. There is a blue jay out under the crepe myrtle tree looking for acorns that were missed on earlier visits. The mimosa tree has leafed out now so spring has fully blown by…
Since my computer quit talking to the network, I am using Sherry’s to post these musings. That means I am looking at the world from a whole new viewpoint. In all of the years we have been in this house, I think I have been at the other end of the kitchen table…Facing into the house. My outward looking view always the window at my side. Never really looking through the french doors at my back unless I stood up to look out. Sitting now at Sherry’s place I just need to glance up and have a wide open view of the back yard. It makes for a totally different feel to this morning ritual. If I’m not careful I could come to prefer this spot…
Now the red birds have joined the chorus, adding their tweet tweet’s to the symphony outside. Earlier the pileated woodpecker that lives around here added his own “song” to the mix. He should be living large with all of the damaged trees from last years storm providing new homes to a multitude of insects.
Now the mammals have decided to join the menagerie enjoying the morning in this backyard. Our local squirrel population had grown quite large before Ike. Now we are down to just a few…Everyone is nosing around on the ground looking for breakfast. It shouldn’t be long before the dogs and the cats join the fracas.
The sun has burned off the fog, the grass is beginning to dry, the breeze is picking up and starting to stir the leaves on the trees…Time to get up and get busy. It looks like a good day to ride the Deere around.