Twitter Updates for 2009-01-13

  • Nice service for tweeting from a web page #
  • Cooking for Pollan! Yikes! The man continues to amaze. Too bad he didn’t want the government job. #
  • I’m back to following Dave Winer…again. Interesting. “sphere of consensus…it doesn’t matter if they’re true or not” #
  • Clear sky, plenty of sunshine, north wind blowing, temperature in the mid 40s and humidity at 20%. Great start to a beautiful day. Enjoy it. #
  • “Willing to be lucky” Are you? Do you go through life expecting good things or bad? That is the difference in every way. #
  • Coffee Yoga …”This is my favorite coffee cup taking a break from its service.” …Love it #
  • @ev I hadn’t looked at it that way…but you’re right. in reply to ev #
  • @garyvee from a dad and a granddad…congrats in reply to garyvee #

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Gary Boyd