WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME you were dazzled? When was the last time you lay down on a block of granite and fell asleep beneath the sky? Our few remaining pockets of unconnected, unwired time—walks, airplane trips, camp-outs, reading a novel on a beach—are dwindling fast. And yet: The Earth is 4.5 billion years old! There are at least 100 billion stars in our galaxy! What could be wrong with shutting down the computer some afternoon and sauntering for four hours through the woods and over the hills and fields?
What a great thought…If you have a minute, go read the whole essay. It is a great internal conversation about the call of technology to the inner child in all of us (at least the males I know).
I find myself with a new job these days…I have been blessed with watching my 4 month old grandson while my daughter is working (and soon, in school). It’s been a lot of years since I had the responsibility of amusing a baby on a regular basis So far he is spending a lot of time in Grandpa’s arms and lap while I try and keep up with this and my other sites. Nap times are nice though…They give me the excuse to rock a baby and watch old episodes of “The West Wing“. Poor kid will be a bleeding heart liberal before he’s two…
I have been playing on Twitter again lately…It looks like it has been totally taken over by the entrepreneurial networking crowd. It’s a bit more interesting than the original players…not as much “I’m on my way to lunch” type of personal trivia. With all of the folks trying to figure out a way to monetize the service though, it may just become another time waster…
Grandson is calling for some attention…It’s probably morning nap time…
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