Evening Muses With a Glass of Zin…

Susan Albert linked to the National Arbor Day site and their animation showing the changes in hardiness zones.

Yep, it’s true–101.8 on our digital thermometer yesterday, and that’s in the shade. Austin hit 101, too, a record temp for the day and an indication of what’s in store in coming decades. Gardeners pay attention to the temperature, because it affects our plant selection, planting dates, harvest, and just about everything else. The warming is already noticeable enough to require an update in the USDA’s hardiness zone. There’s a compelling animation of the changes on the Arbor Day website. In a few years, I’ll be living in the tropics–without having to up sticks and move there.

Go check it out and be worried…Personally, I already appear to live in the tropics. Does that give anyone a clue as to why I plan to move to the mountains in the next few years…

I was reading Colleen’s 13 Thursday Post today and she reminded me of Patry Francis and her recent trials…

Loose Leaf Notes
13. Have you met Patry at Simply Wait? She’s a wonderful writer who bakes blueberry pies for her muse.

Patry is an amazing writer who tells the most remarkable stories. She is also one of my “imaginary friends” that am proud to have met in the last couple of years as I wonder the byways of the internet sharing the lives of remarkable people I have yet to meet. Both Colleen and Patry have been inspirations to me as I try to figure out this thing they call writing…blogs, anyway…