Pre-Weekend Musing…

We appear to have fallen off of the weather pattern we have enjoyed for the past month or so. It was nice while it lasted…Cold front on Thursday-Friday to blow out the stale air, cool it down just a bit and dry it out to a comfort level not usually felt in this area. This would be followed by a slight warming trend starting on Monday after a beautiful postcard of a weekend. By the end of the week we would repeat the cycle and enjoy another round of the spring carousel. Not this week…

The summer pattern is now in effect. Cool fronts pulling up short a few counties to the north and retreating back the way they came after hanging around all weekend sucking warm moist air in off the Gulf of Mexico (dropping some undetermined amounts on our heads in the process). It really makes for muggy, sticky rounds of yard work.

The one thing that is becoming evident (at least to my recollection) is the number of gusty wind days we seem to be getting in the last few years. The wind chimes in the backyard seem to play a much more strident song on more days of the year of late. I don’t recall watching birds work so hard to stay in one place as much in the opast as I have this year. It is an amazing sight to see…wings working like billows as a bird stays perfectly stationary until it tires and turns around to race away on the wind.

Time to make the trek to the office…catch ya on the other side.