I’m a liberal, and I loathe the anti-American things Wright said precisely because I believe that the genius of our country is its capacity for self-correction. Progressivism and, yes, hope itself depend on a belief that personal conversion and social change are possible, that flawed human beings are capable of transcending their pasts and their failings. –E. J. Dionne Jr. – Another Angry Black Preacher – washingtonpost.com
That paragraph from E.J. Dionne’s column today resonates with me. It also touches the very core of my personal “This I Believe” dream of American greatness. Which probably explains why I, and the silent majority of liberal Americans, feel the touch of destiny in Barack Obama. Senator Obama’s rise to the top of the nominating process is based upon the return of a real creed to the American Political Ideal. Yes, they are just words, just speeches…But, as leaders from both ends of the political spectrum have proven over and over again, words can inspire people enough to rise above their own expectations and do the right thing.
Words can also be used to justify the actions of those doing wrong. If memory serves me, it was words that began the process that lead us to war with Iraq. It was words that led to the deregulation of industries that have cost this nation money and prestige. It was the exact type of words the political right is now denouncing, that came from their own “spiritual leaders” after Hurricane Katrina devastated New Orleans.
And, if we are very lucky, it will be the words of an inspiring leader that will raise our expectations. Our expectations of what we expect from our leaders, political, spiritual, and commercial. It’s time for America to once again inspire the world to live above their own expectations.
Just words…
Just words…