Warning…Political Rant Coming…

I generally try very hard to keep from going off about politics. I have even sidelined my political musings at my other blog because there just didn’t seem to be much use. Bush was going to be Bush and Congress wasn’t going to hold him accountable for anything at all. But the little brouhaha that he is stirring up with the “Keep America Safe” legislation…Come on, give me a break. From everything I have read, this all boils down to keeping corporate America free from lawsuits because they turned the other way while this administration broke the law.

But what do I know? Or for that matter what do you know? Congress doesn’t know because the Bush administration has claimed executive privilege and not let anyone see the documents…So Mr. President, get off your high horse and go visit Africa…Your input is no longer required. You are about to be totally irrelevant to the lives of most Americans. I am very sure life on the ranch will be exciting…Go away little man…Come on back to Texas. Hell, I plan to leave my home state anyway…And my family aren’t new comers either.

Now back to my normal Coffee Muses…