When we try to pick out anything by itself, we find it hitched to everything else in the universe.
– John Muir
As I wandered by the weather station above the coffeepot this morning I was struck by the 6am temperature…68°! Now, the question that raises is; did I just sleep through winter and wake up in May? Then I read in Beyond The Fields We Know that even in Ontario it’s thawing…mmmmm. Pablo says it was in the 60’s at Roundrock over the weekend. So it looks like the January thaw is on and just waiting for the cold to slap us all down again…
The wind was blowing so hard yesterday I had a hard time even opening the door to the truck at the gas station. The clouds were thick and full of moisture as they headed north on those very same winds. Someone somewhere is getting some substantial rains from all of this Gulf moisture…The clouds are thick enough this morning that sunrise came and went without making a lot of difference. It still looks like dawn outside…
But, it’s not. And the time has come for me to hit the road…