Saturday morning web wandering…

I have a question for ya…Why is it that real restaurant coffee cups hold the heat so much better than the coffee cups you get everywhere else?

Ever since we came back from vacation with a couple of Blue Ridge Restaurant coffee cups from Floyd Virginia both Sherry and I gravitate to them on the days we will be sitting around drinking our morning cuppa. Even this morning when it required that I wash one from the sink rather than grab a clean cup from the cabinet. Go figure…

It is good to see from her latest post that Patry Francis is feeling better. If you haven’t discovered Patry’s writing yet, follow the link and read a few stories…You’ll want to put her on your daily reading list or add her to your feed reader.

It was via blogrolling from her site that I stumbled upon this YouTube of a local boy whose music I have enjoyed for a number of years. So here, I’ll share a little… Here is Hayes Carll….

“I like to watch him,” offers Hayes’ friend Ray Wylie Hubbard, a rumpled hustler of a troubadour in his own right, “because it’s kind of like watching two trains heading full speed toward each other on the same track: it’s just a matter of time. But he’s always very in control, even though sometimes he doesn’t give that appearance. He walks on that stage, and he just owns it — like it’s his time, his stage, and he has total control and keeps your attention his whole set. And I admire that.”

Hayes Carll biography