Fall’s Back For Another Visit

I woke up this morning to temperatures in the 50’s…yeah! Fall has decided to pay us another visit for a few days.

As I sit here at the kitchen table with my ???th cup of coffee, typing this muse, the French doors are open and the outside temperature is just hitting the mid 60’s. Our grandson’s first birthday party should be quite comfortable…Low humidity, high in the upper 80’s this afternoon…Did they say upper 80’s? Oh well it’s starting out nice anyway. Birds singing, dogs of in the distance, just your normal Saturday morning sounds in fall.

The forecast  is actually calling for a couple of days with highs in the low 70’s next week. It sure seems like summer just keeps on keeping on…

Was talking with a friend of old last week and he said he and his wife had tried to run away from the summer heat in Austin last July by taking a trip up to Glacier National Park. Didn’t work out quite right, they arrived in that far northern clime as a record was being set for high temperatures. Turns out they would have been cooler staying home…Go figure.


 I see they are going to let us vote this next month to open this county to wine sales. It would sure make my life easier not to have to drive 30+ miles round trip to purchase wine. The sad part is, even though I work in Houston, almost all of my drive home is done through Brazoria County and their are no stores selling wine in the area. I end up doing my shopping in Galveston County and paying sales tax to the neighbors. Since it involves such a trek, I usually do my grocery shopping at the same time. You would think the folks running the County government would have figured it out a long time ago.

I suppose, though, now that I think about it, this could explain why this county has been so slow in becoming another bedroom subdivision of Houston. For years and years the subdivisions stopped just across the county line. With the majority of the growth going to Fort Bend County to the north and west of us. Mind you, I am not complaining about the slow growth, I like living not too far from Houston and being in the country. The commute wasn’t bad either. Now a days it has gotten to point where it takes me as long to drive the last five miles as it does the first twenty-five. And they just keep adding  houses…

Well, I’ve killed enough time at the computer for such a beautiful morning…Time to move about and accomplish  something…Later.