There is a new deal floating through Washington DC. It’s called Republican Speak. Whenever a Republican does something, blocks some law, breaks some law or rule the idea is to get the MSM (mainstream media) to blame it on the Democrats. Damned if it ain’t working. Yet, to hear the Republicans and the MSM tell it, we are under the thrall of a liberal media. Seems oxymoronic to me, or maybe it’s really just moronic…
Yesterday’s news reports seem to have gotten to Kate over at Cedar Press Hill because she has posted a pretty readable rant on the filibuster that doesn’t appear to be…
So habeas corpus got another shiv in the heart today. On the Senate’s plate today was The Habeas Corpus Restoration Act of 2007. It was to amend The Military Commissions Act of 2006. The MCA Act removed the right of Writ of Habeas Corpus from any accused enemy combatant…
Today we had a chance to fix that. On the Senate’s docket today was a vote on an amendment to the Military Commissions Act. It is called The Habeas Corpus Restoration Act of 2007. Sponsored by Republican Arlen Specter and Democrat Patrick Leahy, the bill was to restore habeas corpus. What we ended up with was a Republican filibuster, though you’d have a hard time learning that from the media.
Like Kate I have had a hard time figuring out what was happening when I actually paid attention to the “Real” News Programs. But to me it seems that what is happening is what always has happened, you have the Dems trying to play by the rules and the Tom Delay Repubs trying to play the rules. It’s only a difference of one word but what a difference that one word makes. It’s also the one word that actually makes this country what it is…A country of the people, by the people, for the people.
And that is what the Republican Party has forgotten over the last two decades. This country is great because, and only because it’s about all the people. This isn’t George’s America, it isn’t Dick’s America, this is your America and it’s my America. It’s time we reminded the Republican Party who they work for…
Thanks Kate for a great rant. I needed the reminder of what’s really happening in America.