Summer fights back….

It has been hot and humid here in southeast Texas this weekend. Both the temperature and the humidity have been in the upper half of the 80’s (measured under an acre of shade here at my house…which tends to be a bit lower than the official temperature). So outside, misery has ruled of the days. The whisper of autumn we heard previously was just a promise of things to come and not the leading edge of the wheel of the seasons turning our way.

September Sunrise

Even riding the lawn tractor on Saturday afternoon seemed more of a chore than usual. Little to no breeze, sun bright in the sky, humidity trying to make the world feel like it was underwater. The rains and circumstances had prevented the regular chasing of oneself around the grasses of the homestead, causing a much higher than usual growth to be thwarted.  On summer days like these I question the desire for space  that led me to the purchase of just enough land on the edge of a small town that I feel obligated to keeping the war of the grasses going.

Sunday brought showers…Nature fighting back, I suppose. So the yard work is still incomplete and the work week has started anew. I guess, whether I wish to or not, a few evenings will be spent trying to get back on top of the yard’s to-do list.

On the continuing saga of the remodeling  our contractor finally made it by to inspect the job and request payment. Funny how it seems he had no word of the problems we had reported through the working crews…I find myself doubting he will get much more in the way of work from the house. We will see how the requested repairs go…

The road calls and work waits…