Current Weather: 73°
Dewpoint: 72° | Wind: Calm |
Humidity: 97% | Pressure: 29.94 in Hg |
Average: High 90° Low 71° Record: High 96° (1953) Low 57° (1955) |
Today’s Sunrise: 6:20AM Today’s Sunset: 8:22PM |
Well, this is the first weekday post on this site. I am not sure where it’s going but it’ll be interesting to find out. I think I like the idea of starting each muse with the local weather. It was one of the things that seemed to how up in most of my morning muses in the past. The weather above is from My-Cast Personal Weather . They will email you a personal forecast at a schedule you pick.
It’s sunrise outside and the morning chorus is in full voice. The predominate notes as always are the song of the mockingbird. We must have at least a half-dozen living here on the front acre around the house. We have 13 mature Oak trees around the house with a scattering of Pecans, Cedars, Chinese Tallow, and Hackberries. Through the winters here the Hackberries get most of the attention from the birds which explains their predominance along with Black Willows in the woods along Mustang Bayou.
BLOG TIP: Do you use Google Reader? If you do you may want to add your own blog to the feeds you read. It seems that Google being Google they archive all of the posts in your feeds (or at least that’s the way it looks from a cursory search. This could come in handy, as it did for me this morning, when a post gets deleted accidentally. Of course it only works with published posts and later edits don’t show up, but hey, it’s something to keep in mind…