With No Ideas, The GOP Seeks to Scare – washingtonpost.com

Harold Meyerson – With No Ideas, The GOP Seeks to Scare – washingtonpost.com: “What’s a party to do when its high road leads nowhere but down? The Republicans tried privatizing Social Security, but their numbers never added up. They tried spreading democracy with unilateral, preventive war but instead unleashed a sectarian bloodbath. So the party of big ideas, of Milton Friedman and the neoconservatives, is now just one big Swift Boat flotilla, its ideas sunk of their own dead weight, kept afloat solely by its opposition research. For their part, the Democrats still champion common security; they call for a government that can build dikes and reduce the costs of college and medication and that knows that remaking the world becomes more plausible when some of the world is actually willing to go along with us. Those are, in the campaign of 2006, just about the only ideas in play.


And anyone is surprised? Karl Rove as been running slime campaign all his life. They have always worked. Now the whole party is in trouble and Karl is the strategist-in-chief. Get ready America, this fall campaign is going to take politics to an all new low.