It’s Disproportionate. . .

It’s Disproportionate. . .: “I felt better when I thought the Decider didn’t have a worldview, just a set of instincts about freedom and democracy. But even if you set aside the president’s embarrassing open-mike performance at the Group of Eight summit, which is hard to do, events of the past week show that this administration actually thinks it knows what it’s doing. Bush and his folks haven’t just blundered around and created this dangerous mess, they’ve done it on purpose. And they intend to make it worse.”

You know, I had the same exact type of feeling when Bush was Gov here in Texas. Texas Govs don’t have a lot of power, and really can’t get in much trouble. But, unfortunately, the rest of the country didn’t take the time to understand that (or look at where we rank in all of the national standings) before they selected Gov. Bush to lower the nations ranking in the world. Hey, if it works for the great state of Texas, why shouldn’t it be good for the country?