Another Advantage Of Backyard Hens « The Contrary Farmer

I started reading Gene Logsdon by in my younger “hippie” days. I would bet I still have a few of his books on the bookshelf somewhere in the house. I still follow his blog. He just posted this piece…
Another Advantage Of Backyard Hens  The Contrary Farmer

I have a hunch that the following scene happens only on one farm in the whole wide world so pay attention. You are driving down a two lane highway in Ohio when you pass a farmstead with a chicken coop in easy view through your windshield. In front of the coop stands a middle-aged woman with a kind of vacant air about her, cracking an egg on a fencepost and gingerly letting the white stuff ooze off onto the ground to separate it from the yolk. She tosses the shell back to the hens to eat. By now you probably have slowed almost to a stop because surely the poor woman has lost her mind from the hectic pressures of modern farming. She seems to be rubbing the yolk between the palms of her hand. A dog laps at the egg white drooling to the ground. By the way, she is also barefoot.

via Another Advantage Of Backyard Hens « The Contrary Farmer.

I just spent some time checking out Pat Gamby’s website. She appears to have a keen eye and a great way with her chosen medium. I’ll be keeping an eye out for her work in the future.

Go…Read Gene’s Blog, he calls it The Contrary Farmer. Check out Pat’s artwork…Meet someone new on the internets…