Musing From The Middle Of A Three Day Weekend…

Looking out the french doors in the kitchen this morning as I read my email and check the news I am amazed at the difference a couple of weeks of hit and miss rain can make.

Everything in view is green again. The grass is growing like it should have been a month ago. From the looks of things, I’ll be making the rounds on the John Deere sometime this weekend if the weather allows. The Fourth was quite wet, thank God. Otherwise, from the sounds of battle last evening, the local volunteers woukd have been out all evening…

If it wasn’t so late in our gardening season it would almost be enough to get me out and starting a garden. Unfortunately, this little greening period won’t last. We are too close to August when the oven that is southeast Texas really kicks into high gear.

The prognosticators are already talking about the first of the seasons tropical systems forming off the coast of Africa. Earliest storm formed there in the half century we’ve had satilites watching what we couldn’t see before. One of the talking heads has already said that early formations out there tend to indicate a busy season…Time will tell.

I am waiting for the younger members of this household to get moving so we can make our weekly run to the local diner for Saturday breakfast…

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