A New Website…At Least For Me

I have subscribed to Michael Pollan’s website to be sent updates to what’s happening in his world. I received a notice that led me to a new environmental website…If you haven’t seen it before, go check it out.

Yale Environment 360: Michael Pollan on What’s Wrong with Environmentalism
There are basically two food chains that we have in this country, one a lot bigger than the other. First is a heavily fossil fuel-based food chain, the industrial food chain. The other is a more solar-based food chain, and in that I include things like organic agriculture, pastured meat production. To me, that’s kind of the key distinction. The fossil fuel-based food chain takes about ten calories of fossil fuel energy to produce one calorie of food energy. So it’s highly reliant on petroleum, and as a result is largely responsible for the greenhouse gas emissions associated with food production.

That led me to this…

Yale Environment 360: The Tipping Point
As the Bush administration starts to pass from the scene and the contenders to succeed him speak with reasonable seriousness about carbon, the question for environmentalists is going to change from: “Are we doing anything about global warming?” to “Are we doing anything near enough about global warming?” Both of those are political questions — but the second one is also a scientific query, for the answer to it depends on knowing how much we need to do.

I know I’ll be heading back to this site often…