It Was The Best Of Times, It was The Worst Of Times…

OK, so I’m only half right correct…Let’s just call it the politics of the past.

Having decided to spend their first moments in power proclaiming their devotion to the Constitution, Republican leaders might at least have read the whole thing. The part, for instance, where slaves “bound to service” are counted as three-fifths of a person. The part where fugitive slaves cannot gain their freedom by escaping to a free state. Or the part where ordinary citizens do not actually get a direct vote for their senator. The United States Consti …tion –

Except…For many, those are the part they want back…

After watching this past election, I find myself scratching my head. Are we really going all the way back? Back to the 18th century? Back to the plantations and the time when indentured servants were the middle class? Back to when slavery was the law of the land?

After the past couple of decades, we seem to be heading there pretty quickly. Real wages for the majority dropping while the “landed class” adds to their treasures.

Yes it’s class warfare out their. And, guess what, we lost. So now these newly empowered politicians, who can spin the reasons for the election outcome better than anyone in recent history, are going to read…yes…Read the Constitution. Somehow they have managed to claim ownership of being the preservers of the Constitution even as many of them go around threatening to secede from the very nation the Constitution protects. Very 19th Century of them…

The Constitution deserves better than this airless exercise. It was a work of political genius, largely because its authors handed its interpretation to the open minds of posterity. The effect of Thursday’s reading, in case anyone was actually paying attention, was to wrongly suggest that the document was seamless and perfect, as if carved in marble rather than stained with sweat and American blood. The United States Consti …tion –