Why Is My Traffic Up?

Sometimes you are amazed at the serendipity of life…I discovered Felder Rushing a few years back while wandering the web. I started listening to the podcast of his weekly public radio program, The Gestalt Gardener, and keeping up with his travels. I even posted a link and his picture back in 2007 on my original blog (Colleen thought it might be my own picture at the time…It’s closer to what I look like now). So today when I was looking at a spike in my traffic ( I barely make it into double digits on a regular basis), I had to check out what was up…And there was Felder and Slow Gardening via Google search.

The really crazy part was the search for “slow gardening” pulled up my site before Felder’s own. And it all came about from the following profile in the New York Times…Thanks for the boost Felder…When are you coming to SE Texas?

The mix of shrubs and flowers Mr. Rushing planted instead of a traditional lawn is an example of his “Slow Gardening” approach. The term takes its name and inspiration from the Slow Food movement, whose adherents believe in using local ingredients harvested in an environmentally responsible way. Mr. Rushing says that he didn’t coin the term, but that he has “appropriated” it.

A busy lecturer on the horticulture society circuit and a born proselytizer, Mr. Rushing, 56, has long advocated a reliance on perennials and an acceptance of a little disorder, and expressed a rebellious affection for lawn ornaments that might in some circles be called trashy (pink flamingoes, for example).

Lately, he’s been preaching slow gardening.

via Slow Gardening Ramps Up – Easy, Cheap and Green – NYTimes.com.

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