Tuesday, June 20

Just Another Muggy Hot Almost Summer Morning Coffee Muses

Just Another Muggy Hot Almost Summer Morning Coffee Muses

It’s just a repeat of yesterday… and the day before… and the day before that. Hot, muggy, steamy day followed by hot, muggy, steamy nights. At this rate I’ll be hibernating for the summer in my air conditioned cave… It’s so swampy feeling there are about a thousand dragonflies patrolling the backyard.

My eyes are on the gulf for the next few days watching a tropical storm spin up and move north. The prognosticators are foretelling it will move in east of us along the Texas Louisiana border. Since my path on Saturday morning will have me cruising the entire Gulf coast from Houston to Mobile, I have to worry about what may be happening. The prognosticators are saying it could be a major rain event. If so, let’s hope it keeps moving and doesn’t stall.

Ok, enough of this sauna. Time to go in and actually enjoy my next cup of coffee…