Thursday, April 20

Clear Skies Cool Morning Coffee Muses

Clear Skies Cool Morning Coffee Muses

Got an early start this morning. Rolled over in bed and looked at the clock, and while I have a habit of looking at the clock three numbers repeated I wasn’t expecting these three, it said it was 6:66. My digital alarm clock is old, so old I can’t tell you how long ago I bought it. It could predate our move to Alvin. And for the last few weeks the LCD display has been showing it’s age. I guess I need to replace it as I’ve never seen the number of the beast on a clock before. I may have a devil of a time waking up of a morning, but I don’t want to be waking up to devil’s time…

I hope we manage to avoid any more rain for at least another day. I really need to ride the Deere, but, the ground is saturated. Too wet to mow and growing weeds at a prodigious pace.

When you get out before 8:00, the morning is quite. Even most birds aren’t interested in singing at 7a.m. As the hour between 7 and 8 progresses more and more birds begin to welcome the day. Until, by 8:30 it’s a arboral choir. This morning joined by an Eastern Bluebird, with a Northern Mockingbird singing counterpoint from an acre or two away.

The bluebirds are checking out the nest box… but, not going in. I guess I need to see that it’s clear… and I can hear a woodpecker digging a home in a tree to the west. He’s been working over there for over a week.

Time to refill the cup…