Questionnaire and answer on the topic of troop surge | – Houston Chronicle

William F Buckley Jr has an article on the thought process behind a vote on “the Surge” that starts like this… 

You are a Republican legislator, retiring after this, your fifth term. Last night, into the midnight hours, you composed a questionnaire for yourself. You vowed to submit to it before your committee speech. You’d flower up the language a bit — but not the thought. You wake up this morning and turn to last night’s self-quiz.

I always find the “Corporate America” mind set troubling in its clinical dispatch of human suffering but I am gladdened by the conclusion he eventually arrives at. It is too bad our CEO President doesn’t have the same analytical abilities and can’t seem to listen to those that do. Go follow the argument, it’s worth the time.

Source: Questionnaire and answer on the topic of troop surge | – Houston Chronicle