Sunday, January 29

It's A Bright Sunny Cool Coffee Muses Sunday Morning

It’s A Bright Sunny Cool Coffee Muses Sunday Morning.

It’s a brightly crystal clear morning. The air is so clear, it’s unusually loud. Sunday traffic on the highway sounds like a rush hour weekday. The train rumbling thru town blows it’s horn and sounds like it’s in the front yard. Even the birds are loud and discordant in this bright cool morning air.

I see in the morning news that a judge has blocked part of the latest fiasco of a Presidential Order Trump inflicted on the world. The Muslim Ban is going to come back and bite us all. The lack of forethought it shows in the way the administration implemented it is troubling in the extreme. But, if anyone thought things would be different, the past week has shown their optimism completely wrong. Week two is looking a lot like week one…

Anyone know where all of the yard signs asking you to “Pray For The Nation” went? After the last week I feel the need for one. I think I’ll put it out by the wisteria to remind me every morning to get down on my knees and ask God “Why?”…