Saturday Morning Coffee Muses, January 7

It’s so cold this morning it froze the internet. You have no idea what it’s like to have a couple of grandkids who are used to on demand television sitting around with no internet connection… No Netflix… No Hulu… No PBS Kids. And, since we replaced the living room television, no over the air broadcast. When I called Comcast I was informed it was an area wide outage and they expected to have it repaired by 11:46am. Don’t you love their specitivity.

Needless to say, it’s cold outside. The back yard temperature was 24 degrees when I got up. Since it was so cold and I couldn’t connect, I had no reason to stay out for any longer than it took to grab a couple of shots…

At least the power is still on.

2 thoughts on “Saturday Morning Coffee Muses, January 7

  1. Yes, and for a time last night, Texas-New Mexico power decided to take a little vacation over here. We were without power from about 11 -1. I woke up when I heard the battery power thingie for the computer beeping. Then I realized it was dark. Then I realized it was much cooler than when I’d gone to bed. 🙂

    The bird’s water bowls were frozen solid this morning. I thawed them out and refilled them, and within a half hour, they were skimmed with ice again. I brought them in, filled them with hot water, warmed them up, and refilled them. Now, they’re steaming away, surrounded by flocks of sparrows having their morning drink. We’ll see how long that lasts.

  2. Comcast managed to get the internet working almost 3 hours early… But, the speeds are so slow it almost reminds me of dial up modem days… I am seeing more birds in the past few days at the feeder than I have seen in months…

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