Forced Leisure?

I am enjoying a beautiful winters day of forced leisure. The sun is shining in a bluer than blue clear sky. The temperature is in the mid 60’s with just a slight breeze blowing from the north. It’s a quiet, lazy Friday with most folks at work or in school. And my vehicle is in the shop for a brake job so I can’t go anywhere until my wife gets home.

I just spent a hour or so out on the bench in the garden sunning and reading. Not something I do that much anymore…I think I need to reacquire the habit. I am spending some time becoming acquainted with the works of Steve Berry. Nice little suspense tales that they are, I may have to pick up a few more…
There were mockingbirds singing and squabbling with each other in the oaks. The finches were cheeping in the cedar and the hackberries. I could hear the occasional “scee” of a hawk coursing about over the woods along the bayou. I can understand why people like to live were days like this are a summer norm..

Anyway, I think I’ll pour a glass of tea (unsweetened, of course Pablo) and go back to my bench…Here is a shot I took of it last year…