Morning Music

Sitting out every morning this spring with my coffee mug I have been entertained by the Eastern Bluebirds that have made their home in m y backyard. As I have become acquainted with these beautiful birds for the very first time this year I was surprised at how quickly their song has become a standard, and much anticipated, part of my morning ritual.

The bluebird song isn’t very loud, but, it is easy to separate fro the morning chorus. I found this video on YouTube that has a good recording of the song…

It has been an interesting experience watching the adult bluebirds raising their young. All three of the fledglings can be seen flying from tree to fence post to yard as they spend the day foraging for food. Most of the time one or the other of the parent birds can be seen in the vicinity keeping an eye over the trio. Their biggest threat appears to be the multitude of bluejays we have this year. For some reason the “other” blue birds don’t seem to care for their little brethren and delight in harassing them.

On of the things that I still find amazing about bluebirds is their small size. For some reason OI always thought they were closer in size to their kin the robins.