How should you spend your food dollar?

For the record…This is day 1 of week 2 Post-Radiation.

In a bit of serendipitous follow-up to yesterday’s post. My email brings me this from Grist…How to prioritize your organic food dollars to get the most from your budget.

On prioritizing organic purchases | By Umbra Fisk | Grist | Ask Umbra | 08 Aug 2007

Apologies for not explicitly providing this basic resource to dearest readers. I’ve mentioned the Environmental Working Group’s produce shopping guide, but that doesn’t help you search the Ask Umbra archives for “best organic foods.” Sorry.The EWG guide is designed to answer the “which food” question for fresh fruits and vegetables.

After finding out how many of the standards on my shopping list aren’t smart…I’m glad to know that peaches, apples, sweet bell peppers, celery, nectarines, strawberries, cherries, lettuce, imported grapes, pears, spinach, and potatoes need to be reevaluated as I shop due to pesticide residue while onions, avocado, frozen sweet corn, pineapples, mangoes, frozen sweet peas, asparagus, kiwi, bananas, cabbage, broccoli, and eggplant are probably semi-safe.

Umbra then goes on to look at Consumer Reports series of reports on prioritizing among organic products. All in all a nice little resource for you to use to begin to phase out the additives and pesticides in your diet…

I tend to agree that a real priority should be in the protein area…Meat, dairy, eggs…All are big industrial ag products. Each of these as they come from the factory farm are full of additives. It is really the additive that are the unknowns in our food ecology. No one has a any idea as to the ultimate reaction our bodies will have to all of the many additives the factory farms are putting into the food supply. I think it must be more than coincidental that the obesity problem has grown right along with the use of factory farm production of protein.

On a happier note…President Bush is trying to raise his poll numbers with his real base today. I found this in the Washington Post…
Bush May Try to Cut Corporate Tax Rates –

President Bush said yesterday that he is considering a fresh plan to cut tax rates for U.S. corporations to make them more competitive around the world, an initiative that could further inflame a battle with the Democratic Congress over spending and taxes and help define the remainder of his tenure.

I guess he’s given up on the old Texas saying “Ya dance with them that brung ya”. It looks like he has gone back to trying to curry favor with his real base in corporate America. They are the ones who paid for his ticket to the dance after all.

The Houston Chronicle had an interesting story today…
Hispanics exceed Anglos in Harris County | – Houston Chronicle

Today’s Census Bureau data shows the latest population estimates for counties as of July, 1, 2006. Harris gained 121,400 minority residents between July 2005 and July 2006.

The minority population in the county is 2.5 million as of July 2006, or 63 percent of the total 3.9 million residents. In 2005, the county’s population was 3.7 million.

Now I just have one question…How can a minority be the majority or, how can the majority be the minority. Seems we need to rethink our terminology.

And so it goes on the coastal plains of SE Texas…catch ya tomorrow with more of the trivia that catches my eye…