A Weekday Routine Is Always Disrupted By A Weekend…

Coffee Muses require solitude…Having a non-blogging significant other across the table from you as you wander through your morning routine tends to put you in a different place. Not a wandering the web, not a reading email with an open mind, not a “oh yea” that’s neat kind of place. So weekend blogging has pretty much been non-existent on this site.

Maybe there will be a day when I am organized enough to schedule posts for the weekend…But that seems just a little wrong for a site that claims to be “daily muses over my morning coffee”. Be that as it may, consider this an explanation excuse on why I turn up missing every weekend.

But on with the “muse”…This is something I actually read when Seth announced it on his blog. After being reminded of it again by Mary Jaksch I figured I’d pass it along to those few readers that check out this site…

Legendary blogger Seth Godin has published a fantastic new free Ebook, called What Matters Now. He asked a whole crowd of people who feature on the Net the same question: “What Matters Now?” and collected the results in his ebook. –  How to Inspire Generosity, Respect, Ease, Vision, Compassion | Goodlife Zen.

I’ve been reading Seth since I first discovered him back in the early days of “Fast Company” when the magazine was still a pretty radical read. For years I kept the milk carton shipping box that “Purple Cow” came in on the shelf behind my desk in my office at work. I used as a reminder to think outside the box to reach a solution to a challenge. Seth has been on my daily feed ever since we I re-connected online.

I just wandered over to Seth’s site and found his archives go back to January of 2002. Reading through his early posts led me to this…via The Human Clock website…

Since all of this musing was interrupted once for a walk outside with my other eye (Nikon) to try and capture the foggy light as the sun lit the early morning landscape, I feel the need for my second cup of muse and to finish my email…Catch ya’ll on the morrow…Unless you fill my comment box…That’ll bring me back.